Introducing the PSL Blog

A new way to follow models in the Policy Simulation Library catalog.

Max Ghenis


November 6, 2020

Our mission at the Policy Simulation Library is to improve public policy by opening up models and data preparation routines for policy analysis. To support and showcase our diverse community of users and developers, we engage across several mediums: a monthly newsletter, a Q&A forum, (now-virtual) meetups, our Twitter feed, our YouTube channel, documentation for models in our catalog, and of course, issues and pull requests on GitHub.

Today, we’re adding a new medium: the PSL Blog. We’ll use this space to share major updates on our catalog, provide tutorials, and summarize events or papers that involve our models.

If you’d like to share your work on our blog, or to suggest content, drop me a line. To follow along, add the PSL blog’s RSS feed or subscribe to our newsletter.

Happy reading,

Max Ghenis

Editor, PSL Blog